Monday, May 23, 2016


I think my first show was 1976 or 77. I think it was held at McCormick place in Chicago. Since then I have attended just about every show in a exhibitor capacity for companies that I was involved with at the time.

During this period many of the shows were held in hotel ballrooms because there weren't
enough exhibits to fill the space. But over the years the show began to grow with more car wash equipment companies offering equipment and introducing new products or services. I can remember when Belanger first introduced its cloth concept. Up until that time everything used to clean vehicles were made of bristle. The list of new opportunities for the operator goes on and on.
I still go to shows in a vendor capacity. It has amazed me how the show has grown over the
decades. To really appreciate all of the changes in the industry attending a car wash show on a
regular basis is a must, particularly if one is new to the business.

As a vendor my goals and objectives may be very different from those of an operator or investor attending the show. My first goal is to introduce my product to potential customers who come by my booth. These people have different interests depending upon what they are interested in doing. I have to quickly learn what their goal is and then determine if my product is a fit. I consider myself a problem solver. If I don't have what they are looking for I can make suggestions that might help them or tell them where to go to find what they are looking for. In this capacity I am also a consultant.

Unfortunately I do not get to attend a lot of the seminars. For me the most enjoyable part of the show is getting on the floor early and walking around to see what is new in the way of equipment and what my competition is offering. This is also a good time to get catch up with other vendors and see people I haven't seen in awhile because they are generally on the floor early as well. For me it's all part of a learning curve. Since the industry is constantly changing one has to be aware of those changes.

How do I maximize my time? Since I am a vendor the majority of my time is spent in my booth. I am tied down and can only see or be aware of what is going on around me. However, when I am not busy illustrating my product I spend down time surveying the isles for people I know and would like to talk to. After show hours I try to spend my time with potential clients over dinner. This is a great time to really catch up as to what is going on and particularly learn of anything new that may have occurred on the show floor.

Because the industry is constantly changing it is important to stay on top of all of the latest developments. To be in this business one must be a student of the game. I consider myself to be a student who is still learning.


Wednesday, March 2, 2016



I am a fan of free vacuums. The reason being that if they are done correctly they will enhance the customers experience at the wash. Enhanced customer experience translates into more volume and increased revenue per car. Some who were in attendance expressed a concern about what happens if you eliminate pay vacuums and go to free. The concern was, that not only would revenue be lost but that trash would need to be taken to the dumpster more often thereby increasing labor and maintenance, that more electricity would be used and customers would come onto the site just to use the free vacuums. All legitimate concerns, however; not necessarily true.

To often I have found that in a self-service location either the vacuums don't work, or suction is poor, leaving the customer to work harder to get  the interior clean and waste more time. If the vacuum has the proper size motor, such as a 3.5hp with 65/75 lbs of lift, customer satisfaction will be increased because the vacuum provides greater suction, takes less time and creates a positive customer experience. There are vacuums on the market today that not only provide terrific suction  but also use very little power and help keep electrical costs down.

Most self-service vacuums have small dirt collection bins that require frequent emptying by an employee. When these small bins are emptied dirt must be transferred to a secondary container. When this happens dirt becomes air born and is either left on the ground for clean up or settles on a nearby customers vehicle. Lastly, air born dirt contains bacteria. This dirt can be inhaled by  nearby customers. Some of this bacteria could even contain blood contaminants. Not all that much different than breathing in bacteria found in the air on airplanes. If the dirt bin has a self contained large garbage bag to collect the dirt it can be easily removed, tied off and taken to the dumpster. This eliminates dirt gathering on the tarmac area, reduces labor time and eliminates air born contaminants. A new bag can be put into the bin, rolled back into place and ready to go. Very simple. Very easy.

Regarding the interview with Marc and Marcus we must realize that the car wash industry is a moving target. Both of these people do. Nothing stays the same for very long; especially in the car wash industry. Generally speaking there are always better ways of doing things that can make life easier, simpler and generate more revenue. After all, isn't this the name of the game. We are an industry of leaders and entrepreneurs. The operators who are quick to spot a new trend and implement that trend are the ones who make the most money. This is called insight. These are the people who can see the future and accept it for what it is. They are not afraid to try out the better mouse trap. If it doesn't work so what. At least the effort was made. Case in point is the express car wash model. When it was first introduced by Ben Alford at his Benny's car washes in Baton Rouge, LA a decade or so ago many people were skeptical of the concept. However there were many others who made the pilgrimage to Baton Rouge realized the opportunity as not only a surefire money maker but also as a way to compete against the in bay automatic market that was make significant inroads into the traditional car wash customer base. Look at what has happened to the industry since. Gosh, there really was a way to beat the competition, increase volume, generate more revenue and enhance the customer experience. What a concept.

The bottom line here is that car wash operators of all types must recognize and take advantage of change when it occurs. Are you going to sit back and wait to see how the new trend takes hold or are you going to be proactive and jump in the game?  A book by Dr. Spencer Johnson called "Who Moved MY Cheese" written many years ago, outlines what happens when one waits to long to recognize that change is taken place. In this case the "Cheese" is your MONEY.

Stuart Levy/President
Auto Glanz Solutions

Monday, January 18, 2016



In reading a vacuum article in the recent issue of Auto Laundry News by David H.
VanGorder, president of Doyle Vacuum Systems entitled, “Choosing the Right Vacuum System” I felt that Mr. VanGorder made an excellent case for the stand alone vacuum model over a central vacuum system.

In the article Mr. VanGorder states that “a single hose can generate100 percent of the airflow and 100 percent of the suction power”. This is an important feature of the Auto Glanz Solutions Pro 100 Vacuum.

The article also discusses costs. It states that the “upfront cost of installing a central vacuum system is higher than that of installing a network of individual freestanding vacuums”. The article also makes the point that the “central vacuum system is always running and that the individual freestanding vacuums only run when they are activated by the customer”. Another important feature of the AGS vacuum.

The article concludes with the belief “that the individual freestanding vacuum units offer the best overall solution in terms of performance,flexibility, costs, maintenance and reliability.

I have often said that the car wash industry is in a constant state of change. More and more I hear about the high cost of central vacuum systems. The AGS Pro 100 Vacuum meets all of the criteria illustrated above.

Looking to make some changes at your car wash. Check out the Auto Glanz Solutions Pro 100 Vacuum at Or contact me, Stuart Levy, at